Aizelle Raine

May 16, 2018

Book 3 Cover Sketch Reveal--and Call for NecroSeam ARC Readers


The sketch draft for NecroSeam III, Pearl of Emerald, has come back from the cover artist!

Think it's gorgeous now? Just wait till the color copy arrives! From what we've discussed, it's guaranteed to be dazzling~

Now, on the to call for ARC readers:

ARC readers are known as readers who would receive free Advanced Reading Copies of the books--Complete, bound and pretty books--either before they are officially released or directly after for the sake of giving an honest review for the new product. If you've read the first two NecroSeam books and want to get an early, free copy of book 3 in exchange for an honest review upon release, email me!

#ARCreaders #Book3 #Necroseam #Reaper #Raven #Death #Necromancer
