Aizelle Raine
Aug 30, 2024

Aizelle Raine
Nov 23, 2023
One shall not end a shifter’s life before their natural time has expired. Exceptions shall be extended only to those defending themselves or others.
deceased souls shall never be left to rot in their expired vessels. their necroseam must be reaped once their vessel has died.
One shall not release a shifter’s soul before their vessel’s time has ended.
permittance to wield weapons of pure and alloyed spiritcrystal shall be exclusively bestowed upon Reapers. Exceptions extend toward a Reaper's vassals and their apprentices. Violators may only be excused if the violation was broken for self-preservation or the preservation of others in dire circumstances.
Should a shifter’s necroseam be cut before their time has expired, the breathing vessel must be put to rest.
No harm shall be tolerated toward black birds of any kind. Black birds shall not be kept captive. Exceptions of captivity are extended toward black birds which must be nursed to heath. though, once healed, the black birds must be released immediately.