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Wow, I'm going to be busy

Aizelle Raine

Chanerr everyone! My schedule is pretty busy for the rest of the year, so here's where I'll be November and December, and some addition announcements about Book 3's Audiobook progress, and special holiday sales in the store!

Ellie Raine's 2021 Remaining Schedule

  • Nov. 21st -> Wine & Words at Accent Cellars in Dahlonega, GA

  • Dec. 3rd -> Art Walk at Marrietta Square in Marrietta, GA

  • Dec. 18th and 19th -> Momo Con Winterfest at the GA World Conference Center in Atlanta, GA

Come hang out and say hi! I'll be signing and selling books, keychains, and other fun things!

Now, some more announcements! The Audiobook for Pearl of Emerald, Necroseam Book 3, has begun initial recording! Matt and Christa are hard at work to continue their amazing voices and bring you a rich experience with the NecroSeam story! Obviously, I'm super excited!

Last bit of news: Willow of Ashes is on sale for the holidays for a limited time, as well as the full 5-book set of NecroSeam, and the children's illustration book, Ballad of the Ice Fairy. If you wanted to gift a friend or family, head to the NecroSeam store and take advantage of these awesome deals!

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