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Surprise! New cover transitions are underway!

Chanerr, everyone! Big announcement today: we've officially hit "go" on the NecroSeam series cover updates! BEHOLD:

Yes, it's that time again. Cover trends are an ever-shifting hydra in the book market, and often times, we have to change with the times. Onwards and upwards!

If you hadn't noticed, the audiobook cover for book 1 already had the new designs implemented (except for Audible for some reason, we're calling them about the months-long delay), and now we've upgraded the ebooks on Amazon. The other sites like Draft 2 Digital and Barnes & Noble are up next, and then (hopefully not too far off), the paperback and hardcovers will have their own makeover to follow. So, bear with us! It will take some time for the full transition to happen.

Now, a couple things to address:

If you wanted a paperback of the current covers:

-Don't worry! I still have plenty in stock and will be selling them in person at every Convention I'm going to (and here online at the store) until they're out.

If you wanted hardcovers of the current covers:

-Order them ASAP because the hardcovers will be the first to change, since we don't keep as many of those with us on hand.

If you want the new covers in paperback or hardcover (Yes, I can hear you, Heather!):

-Comment here or contact me about pre-ordering those hard copies, and I'll sign & send them to you as soon as they're here! The pricing for the books won't change, and I never charge for signing books.

Thanks for the patience, everyone! Stay tuned!


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