Aizelle Raine
Feb 27, 2019
ATL sci-fi/fantay Expo, NecroSeam Book 4 update, and Willow Cover Re-Design
We barely have two weeks left before the Atlanta Sci-fi/ Fantasy Expo in North Dekalb Mall! I'll have a table and will be speaking at a...
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Aizelle Raine
Sep 4, 2018
Willow of Ashes only $1.99!
**HALLOWEEN SPECIAL!** For a limited time only, Willow of Ashes--the first book in the epic dark fantasy series, the NecroSeam...
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Aizelle Raine
Jul 6, 2018
AVAILABLE NOW! Pearl of Emerald, NecroSeam book 3!
It's out! Go check out NecroSeam book 3, Pearl of Emerald, available in all formats on Amazon and Barnes and Noble! And don't forget to...
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Aizelle Raine
Apr 3, 2018
The New and Improved Willow of Ashes--and Book 2 Soon to Follow!
Chanerr hou, everyone! Some of you may be looking at this article's title and scratching your heads a bit. "New and improved? What do you...
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