Aizelle Raine
Apr 22, 2019
NecroSeam Book 4 Preorder!
Good news! NecroSeam Book 4, Phoenix of Scarlet, is now available for preorder! Be sure to get your copy now! A Raging Storm, A Spreading...

Aizelle Raine
Apr 14, 2019
Calling all Dragons and Fantasy Readers! Feedback Wanted!
Epic and Hard Fantasy Readers’ Research Query Who are the Epic and Hard Fantasy readers? There are thousands of book genres and thousands...

Aizelle Raine
Feb 27, 2019
ATL sci-fi/fantay Expo, NecroSeam Book 4 update, and Willow Cover Re-Design
We barely have two weeks left before the Atlanta Sci-fi/ Fantasy Expo in North Dekalb Mall! I'll have a table and will be speaking at a...

Aizelle Raine
Dec 8, 2018
Goodreads Giveaway!
Chanerr hou everyone! The Goodreads Giveaway for Princess of Shadow and Dream ebook is live! Enter for a chance to win a free ebook until...

Aizelle Raine
Nov 13, 2018
CONjuration, Novella pre-order, and new box set!
We've had a busy few weeks as of late--what with the new NecroSeam ebook Box Set being released, and a new prequel to the...

Aizelle Raine
Sep 17, 2018
End of Sale Approaching
Chanerr hou, everyone! Just a heads-up that the $1.99 sale on Willow of Ashes and Orbs of Azure ebooks is coming to an end September...

Aizelle Raine
Sep 4, 2018
Willow of Ashes only $1.99!
**HALLOWEEN SPECIAL!** For a limited time only, Willow of Ashes--the first book in the epic dark fantasy series, the NecroSeam...

Aizelle Raine
Jul 6, 2018
AVAILABLE NOW! Pearl of Emerald, NecroSeam book 3!
It's out! Go check out NecroSeam book 3, Pearl of Emerald, available in all formats on Amazon and Barnes and Noble! And don't forget to...

Aizelle Raine
Jun 21, 2018
Giveaway ending soon, and prepping Atl Comic Con!
Only three weeks left for the Goodreads giveaway, so don't miss your chance to win a free ebook of Willow of Ashes! Also, we're prepping...

Aizelle Raine
Jun 11, 2018
Goodreads Giveaway
Hey everyone! We're doing a giveaway for free e-copies of Willow of Ashes until July 8th! Enter and see if you're a winner! #ebook...

Aizelle Raine
May 16, 2018
Book 3 Cover Sketch Reveal--and Call for NecroSeam ARC Readers
Behold! The sketch draft for NecroSeam III, Pearl of Emerald, has come back from the cover artist! Think it's gorgeous now? Just wait...

Aizelle Raine
Apr 30, 2018
Pictures from Jordan Con's Shenanigans! (And gender reveal!)
So Jordan Con has come and gone, and this post is a biiiiit late, but better now than never! We sold books, Orbs of Azure debuted in...

Aizelle Raine
Apr 10, 2018
Jordan Con
Jordan Con's just around the corner (April 20th-22nd) and I'm SUPER stoked--I've got the updated Willow of Ashes ready to go, the second...

Aizelle Raine
Apr 3, 2018
The New and Improved Willow of Ashes--and Book 2 Soon to Follow!
Chanerr hou, everyone! Some of you may be looking at this article's title and scratching your heads a bit. "New and improved? What do you...

Aizelle Raine
Nov 6, 2017
CONjuration's Magical Weekend!
CONjuration has come and gone, and all I can say is WOW! What a fantastic weekend! I had so much fun, I'm still not ready to put away my...

Aizelle Raine
Oct 5, 2017
Savannah Quill and Song Additions!
Chanerr hou, everyone! Well, it's just about here--the Savannah Quill is this Saturday, and the husband and I are ready to leave...

Aizelle Raine
Sep 25, 2017
Upcoming Conventions
These next two months are going to be busy--between three cons, Halloween, my husband and my anniversary, and fierce, catch-up writing,...

Aizelle Raine
Sep 6, 2017
Dragon Con Fun!
Chanerr hou everyone! Dragon Con was a blast thanks to so many people and groups! My chosen cosplay this year was Willow Ember from my...

Aizelle Raine
Aug 23, 2017
Surprise in New York!
Chanerr hou everyone! This weekend my husband and I drove nearly 24 hours (in horrible, horrible Eclipse traffic) to New York for his...